How do we plan for future flexibility and scalability in our office space design?
Asked 2 years ago
I'm trying to plan for future flexibility and scalability in our office space design. Our company is growing rapidly and we want to make sure that our office space can adapt to our changing needs and accommodate future growth. I'm seeking guidance on how to approach this challenge. Can anyone provide advice on best practices for designing a workspace that can evolve and adapt over time? Thank you, I very much appreciate it!
Marcel Deer
Friday, January 13, 2023
Mobile and flexible office furniture helps free up space and accommodate employee needs. For instance, mobile workstations and adjustable chairs and desks let employees work where and how they choose.
Using portable devices like laptops and tablets allows employees to move comfortably around the workspace. It also helps them collaborate with other departments or work remotely.
Finally, offer employees autonomy and control. Allowing your employees to work when, where, and how they want builds trust. If you’re on a hybrid or flexible setup, POC's booking app lets employees easily book seats and meeting rooms whenever needed.
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