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Hot desk and meeting room booking app

Transforming an office into a hybrid workspace? We'll simplify the process for your employees. With our booking app they can easily and independently book hot desks and meeting rooms, add bookings to their calendars and share them with colleagues. Each employee can be assigned to a specific zone (“neighborhood”) of the workspace to enjoy working with their department.

your benefits

Using P.O.C Space Management System

  • Complete independence

    No need for AutoCAD or drafting skills when using the platform’s versatile editing tools: create and run simulations, divide areas-or merge them, to optimize the use of space.


  • Improved Space Utilisation

    Capture empty assets and act to increase efficiencies. Integrate space data with floor plans visualization- for smarter space management.

  • A valuable marketing tool

    Enabling you to identify all areas to be marketed and provide real-time, quality solutions for any customer’s need.

  • Cost effective

    Manage your entire space inventory data in one platform, and eliminate manual procedures.


  • Easy to use system

    100% SaaS platform with intuitive features and interface. All upgrades, technical support and hosting are included

  • Immediate Implementation

    Once your data is assimilated you can be up and running in days, with no limitation on number of users.

“One of the main advantages offered by POC’s solution, is that it is entirely web based. Meaning it can be accessed everywhere and anytime. “

“There are many tools which the system offers making it both cost and time effective. It is easy to use and setup with a super easy on boarding process. The graphical platform makes it easy for almost anyone to understand how to use it. Something that was great about the platform is that no prior knowledge was needed, all it takes to get started is a short training session, which is received by POC’s team.”

Asaf Shir, COO, Melisron

“P.O.C Space management system is easy to use, no need for prior knowledge.”

“It gives you the option to send instant drawing to your customers with no need to rely on your busy architect, merge and split polygons instantly. Very cost effective.”

Amot Real Estate

Features Include

  • Reporting & Analytics

    Allow you to analyze and make informed business decisions based on authentic data. Based on your own user-defined reporting metrics, you can extract the information you need whenever you want it.

  • Digital Archive

    Embed and structure your existing space inventory data -in one platform. Treat your CRE as ‘breathing space’, rather than a series of static documents.

  • Dynamic interface

    Watch your floor plans spring to life in colors, and divide inventory according to types, such as vacant areas, common areas, parking lots and more.

  • Editing Tools

    Eliminates the need to outsource daily tasks to an AutoCAD expert. P.O.C’s software is your ‘go-to’ management tool, enabling you to capture empty assets, divide areas in various ways – or merge them, for smarter space planning.

Maximize your space

Request a Demo