7 Benefits of Open Space Offices: Improved Teamwork & More

Published January 25, 2023.

Lately, there has been a drastic shift from personal spaces to working in shared spaces. This is especially true with the emergence of open space offices. Also known as open plan or shared office spaces, these office setups are designed to optimize collaboration.
The challenges and benefits of open space offices are being discussed around the world. The main disadvantages include increased noise levels, lack of privacy, and potential distractions. Noise levels can be especially disruptive, as people are often talking or making phone calls, and it can be difficult to focus. Individuals can also feel exposed without the privacy of their own offices.
That being said, the benefits of open space offices far outweigh the drawbacks. Here are seven advantages I experienced in an open office layout.
■ Discover how open vs closed office spaces compare
1. Improves Communication Among Employees
I've found that communication flows better between my employees because they have greater accessibility to one another. Their coordination and collaboration improved because they can interact with one another on projects quickly and easily.
An unexpected bonus is the social element present in the office. My employees have more opportunities to network with each other, giving them a better understanding of one another's roles and responsibilities.
2. Enhances Collaboration & Teamwork
It quickly became apparent that noise levels had to be kept in check. But instead of enforcing an office-wide law (and creating a negative atmosphere), we set up dedicated spaces for planning, brainstorming, and collaboration.
In this way, my employees are encouraged to work together to solve problems, come up with creative solutions, and ultimately build a better working environment. We also noticed that this extended to interdepartmental teamwork, giving us better project outcomes.
3. Encourages Creative Thinking
I've touched on creativity in the previous point, but I want to emphasize it separately here. My employees' mindsets and approaches changed, because suddenly employees with different perspectives, experiences, and skills worked together in a space that encouraged them to do so. And they generated insightful and innovative solutions.
4. Fosters More Transparent Office Culture
Our open office space eliminated the traditional hierarchy you'll find in a closed office space. We created more of a flat structure that made our teams and departments feel more connected to one another. This created a greater sense of belonging and a significantly more relaxed atmosphere in the office.
We believe transparency is key in all aspects of professional life and want to reflect this in our office space.
■ Optimizing your office space can help you prevent gender bias in your office culture
5. Promotes Employee Health & Well-being
Because our office has fewer walls and physical structures, our employees can move around more freely to take advantage of the larger workspace. It encourages movement and helps to reduce sedentary behavior and promotes a healthier lifestyle. There's also more natural light in an open space office which contributes to a better working environment.
We also placed common resources in centralized areas. This is more effective from a practical viewpoint, but it also means our employees have to walk around more and take the stairs. This helps to reduce stress levels and improve overall physical and mental well-being.
■ Follow these tips to increase your employee satisfaction even more
6. Offer Greater Spatial Flexibility
With no barriers or cubicles in our office space, we can use the space more dynamically. It took a while before we found a set up that worked for us, but because the office space is so flexible, it's easy to make changes and try different arrangements.
This goes both for our teams and the furniture. If the size of a team or if their needs change, we can reorganize until we have a space that's comfortable and productive.
■ Learn more about how flexible workspaces increase employee happiness
7. More Cost-Effective Layout
Finally, we've saved on certain costs because open space offices have fewer overheads. For example, we don't have to build separate walls for each room but can simply use furniture and dividers to create distinct areas in the office.
We've been able to reduce these costs because of our open office plan:
- Lighting and heating expenses
- Power bills
- Supplies and materials
- Furniture costs
Start Maximizing Your Office Space
I've found an open space office to be a great asset because of the potential advantages it offers—like those I've just discussed. However, it's not enough to just create the space and then expect to see results immediately. It's about optimizing the space for your business's and employees' needs and continuously trying until you find the right setup.
A modern, digital solution like POC's space management software makes it easy to enjoy the benefits of office space optimization. View your workspace in real-time and make whichever adjustments you want. The software keeps track of your changes and gives you real data to help you see if these changes were effective. If you take nothing else from this post, remember: Partner with professionals to get the most out of your office space.
■ Want to try it for yourself? Book a demo