How can we better accommodate employees who need dedicated workspace due to disability or other needs?
Asked 2 years ago
Hi there! Since our company is committed to an inclusive and accessible workplace for all of our employees, one area of concern is how to accommodate employees who require a dedicated workspace due to disability. We already implemented standing desks for employees with chronic back pain. Can someone suggest other ways to accommodate employees with specific needs, while maintaining flexibility and cost-effectiveness?
Filip Dimkovski
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Making your workplace inclusive, diverse, and equitable for people with different needs can be incredibly beneficial for the business, as it will lead to acquiring a wide range of talent. So, these are some of our tips for making your workplace highly inclusive:
- Offer flexibility when it comes to location and work hours.
- Make the interviewing process comfortable for people with disabilities.
- Provide health and disability insurance benefits for your staff.
- Have healthy meals in the office for those who cannot regularly prepare their own.
- Educate your employees about appropriate disability etiquette so all staff feels respected.
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