What are some tips for office space planning?
Asked 2 years ago
Hi there. The company I work for has recently moved into a new office space and I was tasked with planning the layout. However, since I don't have a lot of experience with office space planning, I would be grateful for any tips to make sure it's done efficiently. Thanks!

Filip Dimkovski
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Planning the layout of an office can be quite difficult if you're doing it for the first time. So, let's go over the necessary steps:
- Calculate your budget: If you have a big enough budget, it's quite beneficial to hire an interior designer to arrange the space for you. You should also know how much all office changes and updates will approximately cost you.
- Ensure variety and flexibility: You don't want to have your office layout set in stone. The needs of your employees can change depending on the type of work they're currently doing, which is why you should prioritize flexibility.
- Ask for feedback from your employees: Employees know when they work best, so including them in the process could lead to improved productivity and job satisfaction.
- Experiment with the lighting: Natural light is almost always ideal, but it's difficult to have it in all corners of your office. So, make sure to experiment a bit and find the balance between outrageously bright and too dim.
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